60. We have alliteration here and there in this verse, and the figure of speech is in 54%.
In this canto verses 1-56 are composed in Tefuft metre which is four times ---luvulv-ulu-i-, and is thus defined: hat sit 1947 jung: getauft i lao apo pu); verse No. 57 is in qan metre which is four times u-uluv-lv-uluval
--10 -11, and is thus defined : सुग्रहयतिः पृथ्वी जसौ जसयला 16: (Lo ato 38); verse No. 58 is greatfect (see p. 190 above); verse No. 59 is in amar metre which is four times -v-luvul-vui--ll, and is thus defined: 79741 Dogma a farraa farrera (qo ai. Po ); and verse No. 60 is in Ruit metre which is four times w.vuluu-1---1-valuval v-ll, and is thus defined: Tutte AFASTA JA AREA TE: 1 Efront (To ato R4).
CANTO FOUR 1. The world was oppressed by the tyranny of 98, sortut brought relief to all the beings by slaying w. Here the figure of speech is रूपक.
2. प्रसादलक्ष्मी is compared with हंसराजि and other items are to be construed similarly. The figure of speech is 34AT.
3. कुलपालिकाः or even कुलबालिकाः. Formerly they were afraid of moving about lest the king it might molest their chastity.
4. There is 99 at the close of a & b and c& d. In the second line अणंतराअं is taken as अनन्तरागम् by the छाया. Can we not take it as 377TH and interpret thus: 'youths that desire to sport with (their) beloveds over endless nights without any hindrance'? They were sorry because the night comes to end; they wished that it was endless. Cf. the sentiment expressed by the
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