Instantly that Bāna beheld Madhumatha (the destroyer of the demon Madhu, i.e. Vişnu - Krsna) who was stroking the bow-string with his lotus-like hand and gazing in his direction from the corners of his eyes which were red with distinctly visible anger.
Quickly rushing against him he said : “How dare you O son of a cowherdess, stand up to me ? Note it well that I am neither the demon Naraka nor Kamsa. I am Demon Bāna, the son of Bali.
Havn't you heard of the heroic deeds of mine (lit. the power of my arms)? My arms which have become hard and callous (karkasa) on account of the scars and wounds caused by (constantly) pulling the bowstrings and have been puffed up with (pride and) great happiness derived from pulling the hair of the heavenly nymphs.
Listen again : These hands of mine with their extraordinary skill of playing the drums at Siva's dance festival (or orgies) have won the rarest of honours of the great god's favour.
These formidable hands of mine that dragged Indra and other warrior gods from their seats ! Now, they have become so terror-stricken that discarding their bodies they eat whatever oblations kings on the earth offer them in sacrifices.
I have not forgotten how assuming the form of Vāmana (name of Visnu in his fifth incarnation when he was born as a dwarf to humble the demon Bali), you cheated my father who had becone feeble on account
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