Canto III
Now, once again Bāņa begins his march ahead. Bāna, who is desirous of fighting a grim battle, who looks like a moving Vindhya mountain, with his thousand arms looking like the various peaks and the bows along with their strings like the trees (on the mountain).
Bāna who is irresistible with his sparkling arrows mounted on the bent and strong bows rides a chariot drawn by a large number of swift horses and that produces deep thundering sound.
With shoots of rays of the pale-red gems set in the array of armlets put on his thousand arms, he very much appeared like a sālmali (silk-cotton) tree which has put forth flowers on its branches.
Bāņa of dark-blue complexion that competed with rainy clouds and the white umbrella that was held over him looked like the sea reflecting the disc of the moon that has just risen over it.
With his dark-blue body fanned by the constantly moving chowries, Bāna looked very much like the stream of Yamunā with the kuśa grasslands growing luxuriously on both her banks.
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