ture. From this one can see of wliat learned, noble and literary men the poet's company was coniposed. A brother-disciple of Somaprabhacharya, by uanie Heniachandra, composed a Dwisandhana poem, entitled "Nabheyanemi, and it was edited by the poet-king Shree Shreepála himself. Somaprabhácharya was succeeded to his religious seat by the famous Jagatchandrasûri, who is considered to be the founder of the ascetic assembly known by the uame of Tapagaclıha. According to the Pattávalı Somaprabhacharya ranks 43rd in the lineal succession from Mahi vîra.
Other Works written by the Author-(1) Sumatinátha-Charitra. Besides the "Kumaraptila-Pratibodha", three other works of Somaprabhicharya are available. One of these is the "Sumatinatha-charitra''. It describes the life of Sumatinátha, the 5th Tirthankara of the Jain Religion. Like Kumára pála-Pratibodha, it is also written mainly in the Prákrit language and, like it, it also contains legends and stories explaining the tenets of Jainisnı. It consists of verses uumbering over nine thousand and a half. Mss, of this work were seen by nie in the Jain Bhaudars at Pátan."
1—The following are some of the verges given in the Prashasti at the end of this poem:
भक्तः श्रीमुनिचन्द्रसूरिसुगुरोः श्रीमानदेवस्य च
श्रीमान सोऽजितदेवसूरिरभवत् षट्तर्कदुग्धाम्बुधिः । सद्यःसंस्कृतगद्यपद्यलहरीपूरेण यस्याप्रभ
क्षिप्ता वादिपरम्परा तृणतुलां धत्ते स्म दूरीकृता ॥ श्रीमानभूद्विजयसूरिरमुष्यशिष्यो
येन x x x स्मरस्य शरान गृहीत्वा । कृप्तं चतुर्भिरनघं शरयन्त्रमग्रे
विश्वं तदेकविशिखेन वशं च निन्ये ॥ श्रीहेमचन्द्रसूरिबभूव शिष्यस्तथापरस्तस्य । भवहतये तेन कृतो द्विःसन्धानप्रबन्धोऽयम् ॥ एकाहनिष्पन्नमहाप्रबन्धः श्रीसिद्धराजप्रतिपन्नबन्धुः।
श्रीपालनामा कविचक्रवर्ती सुधीरिमं शोधितवान्प्रबननम् ॥ 2 Vide J. Klatt'a Extracts from the "Il istoricsl Records of the Jains" Ind. Ant. Vol. XI, p. 254.
3 The Prashasti at the end of this Charitra is to a great extent like the one given in the present work:
चन्द्राकों गुरुवृद्धगच्छनभसः कर्णावतसौ क्षिते
धुर्यों धर्मरथस्य सर्वजगतस्तत्वावलोके दृशौ। निर्वाणावसथस्य तोरणमहास्तम्भावभूतामुभा
वेकः श्रीमुनि चन्दसूरिरपरः श्रीमानदेवप्रभुः ॥
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