the same. Sometimes purely as a part of the royal duty, he attended wrestling matches, elephant-fights and such other pastimes.
After this he took his evening meals about 48 minufes before sun-set but ate only once on the 8th and 14th days of every fortnight. After dinner he worshipped with flowers in the household temples and made dancing girls wave lights before the deities. Worship over, he listened to musical concerts and to recitations sung by cháranas, etc. Passing the day in this way he retired for rest with a mind filled with renunciation.
Kumarapala's Great Faith in the "Namaskára-Mantra":-The King always recited with great devotion the well-known Jain Mantra of "Namaskára" and he had so great a faith in its efficacy that he used to say that what he could not achieve by means of his army, he acheived through the mere recitation of that mantra. Through it even his enemies remained subdued to a Bania officer like Ambad; and not only civil wars aud foreign invasions but even famines did not affect his kingdom through the power of this mantra-recitation.
Other Authorities on Kumárapála's Life:-In this way the work Kumarapala-Pratibodha describes in brief the gist of the religious life of Kumarapala. More detailed information about King Kumárapála and his contemporaries, who are referred to in this work can be obtained from such older works as "Prabhavaka-Charitra," "Prabhandha-Chintamani,” "Kumarapala-Charitra" of Jayasimha-sûri, "Kumára pála-Charitra" of Cháritra-sundara, "Kumára pála-prabandha" of Jinamandana, so also from such modern works as Forbe's Rása-málá and the "Bombay Gazetteer". It is therefore unnecessary to give those details here.
Historical Portion of this Work thoroughly Reliable:-Although, as we have said before, a very limited historical information is to be obtained from this work, still we must admit that that limited information is thoroughly reliable and trustworthy. Because the author of this work was not only a contemporary of King Kumárapála but, as we know definitely from the account of the author given above, he also possessed a special intimate know ledge of his private life.
Three Writers Contemporary to Kumárapála:-Information about the religious life of King Kumarapala is to be obtained from the writings of three contemporary writers. Among them the first is the King's own religious preceptor Hemachandra himself. He has given some brief account in this connection in his "Kumarapala-charitra" (Prakrit Dvyáshraya) and in his "Mahavira-charitra." The description given in "Kumára pálacharitra" and that given in the present work, especially the description of the King's daily life agree completely. Second contemporary
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