________________ PRAKRIT VERSES IN SANSKRIT WORKS ON POETICS 461 succeeding one are cited to illustrate 'priyasandesah. A gatha with these very opening words is included by Weber in his edition of Saptasatakam. It suits admirably the context of priyasandesah. The nayaka conveys through this duti a message to the nayika. The message contains flattering or coaxing words praising the beautiful moonlike face, lotus-stalk-like arms and blue lotus-like eyes of the nayika. The gatha in full is as follows : चंदो वि चंदवअणे मुणालबाहालए मुणालाई / इंदीवराइ इंदीवरच्छि तावेंति तुह विरहे / / [चन्द्रोऽपि चन्द्रवदने मृणालबाहा (=बाहु-)लते मृणालानि / इन्दीवराणीन्दीवराक्षि तापयन्ति तव विरहे // ] The Sahityamimamsa has been edited very carelessly and the printed text bristles with innumerable errors and corrupt readings. We take up here a few out of 120 passages for discussion : (i) णिभुअं खुणं ससिजइरुवइ...रस्सुतं पिणि / सदं व कआपराहाहिअअ च्चिअ पिण्हविज्जति // The text is undoubtedly corrupt. When restored it reads as follows : (ii) णिहुअं खु णीससिज्जइ, रुव्वइ राईसु तं पि णीसदं / पइम्मि कआवराहे, हिअ-इच्छिआणि ण्हुविजंति // [निभृतं खलु निःश्वस्यते रुद्यते रात्रिषु तदपि नि:शब्दम् / पत्यौ कृतापराधे हृदयेप्सितानि नूयन्ते // ] (iii) अलअं जणांति दकहकत्थरस्सराहचसरासरीरजीवि / अंजणअ आथणअप्पं समअं अह करलाविद्धा (?) // Note: The text of this verse is highly corrupt. It is, however, cited in Bhoja's Sarasvatikanthabharana (V. v. no. 13, p. 576) and Narendraprabha's Alamkaramahodadhi as an example of rasabhasa. Metrically these two quotations are imperfect. There the text makes a clear mention of 'Dasakandhara'. 'Raghava' and 'Janakasuta' and these names lead us to trace the verse to Setubandha. Although its Nirnayasagar edition does not include it, the Calcutta edition (Ravanavahamahakavyam) presents it at XV. 66. K. K. Handiqui (Introduction p. 113, Pravarasena's Setubandha, Translation, Prakrit Text Society, Ahmedabad-9, 1976) rightly observes : "But not a few commentators from different parts of India seem to have rejected it because of the unpleasant idea involving Sita in the description." पुलअंजणेति दसकंधरस्स राहव-सरा सरीर-अडंता / जणअ-तणआ-पओहर-फंस-महग्घविअ-कर-जुअल-णिव्वूढा / / For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International www.jainelibrary.org