________________ ESCHATOLOGICAL IDEAS IN JAIN TRADITION Eschatology is "The doctrine of death, judgment, heaven and hell in Jainisim." The doctrine of karma is inevitably, inseparably and invariably connected with the doctrine of death, heaven, hell and salvation. Actions performed during the present state of existence are the causes of the future existence, and the present life is in its condition and duration, the result of the actions of the preceding one. There are four states of existence in this cycle of birth and death : (1) of gods (devagati), (2) of human beings (manujagati) (3) of non-human beings (tiryag-gati) and (4) of denizens of hell. In accordance with its own karma a soul migrates from one birth to another, from one state to another. Although samsara is anadi (without beginning ) a soul can put an end to it by completely destroying the eightfold karma and attain moksa-mukti,salvation, liberation. At the top of the universe (lokakasa) there is Siddhasila. The liberated soul settles down there permanently. Without visible shape, bodiless, but a dimension in space (immaterial) of 2/3 of that which he had had during his last hurnan existence he dwells there thence forward into all eternity enjoying the infinite, incomparable, indestructible and transcendental bliss of salvation. According to the Jains, the world is everlasting and imperishable, created by no God and governed by no Higher Being. It is subject only to its own laws and in spite of the change undergone by its component parts, remains in its essential character unchanged. In shape it is comparable to a symmetrically built man in whose lower extremities are to be found the hells, whose central portion of the body encloses the animal and the human world, and whose breast, neck and head are composed of the heavens of the gods. Above the world of the gods (to be likened to a lens, concave below and convex above) is the dwelling-place of the liberated souls. The entire world is surrounded by dense layers of air and water. Beyond this is the non-world (alokakasa)--the absolutely empty space. The world consists of six everlasting, imperishable dravyas--substances : 1. Jiva (soul), 2. pudgala (matter), 3. dharma (principle of motion), 4. adharma (principle of stationariness), 5. akasa (space) and, 6. kala (Time). Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org