fa + van
Jain Education International
<Pkt. n. <Sk. (p.p.p. of fa + √) 'desired, wished for' + (suffix) n. The form वितुं > वतुं and its pl. at are very common in Old Guj. lit. exactly in this sense. Vide, e.g., the following lines from an anonymous Old Guj. poem named Pañcadanḍacatuspadi dated V. S. 1556 (= 1500 A.D.), where the pl. form 'qai' is used in the same context when the king is asked to fulfill the five 'aat' or 'desires' if he wished to have a five-handled royal umbrella:
" पांच वतां पहिलं जउ तुम्हें,
करिसिउं नृप जे देसिउं अम्हे;
पांचदंडीउ छत्र तु देव,
' morning'. तस्य रात्रौ तस्मिन् पाटके गत्वा विलोकितम् । सहर्षा वदन्ति । राज्ञो विभाते हारिर्भविष्यति । 10. 19 - 20; विभाते द्वयोः क्रीडा जाता । 11.16.
करि सिउं वली तुम्हारी सेव. "
कहि राजा " कहिसिउं जे तुम्हे,
वतां पांच करिसिउं अम्हे. "-37-38s of Adesa I, p. 74 of Buddhiprakāśa Vol. 79 (1932) where the poem is edited by Dr. B. J. Sandesară. cf. Mod. Guj. n. 'a thing experienced; misery, suffering'. Subhaśilagapin, Pūrṇacandrasūri, Ramacandrasuri and other writers on the story of Pancadandacchatra have employed the term adeśa a command' for the five faas of LPS. Also cf. Mod. Guj., Mar. at to befall (of calamities), to be obliged to suffer ( calamities)'.
to bite, to strike '.
वंशीयालिना विलग्ना मृता ।
Vide; also vide LSJS 92 (PK), 205 (PPS); also 32 (PC), 88-89 (PK) and 191-192 (PPS) for different senses of V लग्.
to require'. quigotr¤à ad 7.13. [This can be rendered into Guj. thus, every word retaining the same sequence in the translation also: 'बीजुं जे जोईए ते a.] Vide LSJS 92 (PK), 205 (PPS); also 107 अव + V लोकू (PPS ).
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