Index to Introduction
Note: This Indosing in the Devanagated in the Index
Note: This Index is arranged according to the English Alphabet. It also includes
words occurring in the Devanāgari script (which are transliterated here). Abbreviated forms are also included in the Index so that no important reference may be missed. Entries of significant words from Chapter X “Cultural Gleanings” (pp. 117-126) such as 'caste-system', 'customs', 'mare', litters', etc. are made here, but references to them in other
Chapters are excluded. The figures indicate the respective pages. Ābhada Vasāha 101
Amstavatsalā, maid 42 Ābu, mt. 35, 114
Anādi Răula 29, 61, 65, 108, 118 Acalanātha 64
Anahilapura Pattana, city 88 A Critical Edition of Pañcadanda-ni Anahillapattana, city 108
Värtā of An Unknown Gujaräti Prose: Anahillapura 51
writer (Before 1682 A.D.) 58 Anahillapura Pattana 85 adyakalya 63
Anāka, king 96, 106 Afghānistān 92
Ānandāśrama 17 Agnivetāla 24
Anangarangavādi, orchard 44 Ābada, village 101
Anantaśayana 33 Ahalyā 99
Andhaļā pāță, game 119 AHI 113 fn
Andhäraghoravādi, orchard 44 Āblādana 90
Andhāvedha, game 47, 119 -Dandanāyaka 90, 115 Andhivedha, game 119 Ahmedabad 57, 58, 90 fn.
Åndolaka, musical mode 46 -district 102
anklets 119 Ain-i-Akabari 108
Anup Sankrit Library, Bikaner, 58 Ajamera 95
Anuştubh 57 Ajayapāla, king 103, 104
Apabhramsa 18 Alati, maid 43
Arabic 92 Alāuddin Khilji, king 102
Arbuda, mt. 36, 75, 77, 80 Alavesari, maid 43
Arbuda, snake 78 Alavi, maid 43
Arbudācala, mt. 75, 80 Alhaņadeva Cāhamāna, king 102 architecture 122 Ali, maid 43
Arjunadeva, king 106 Aliñjara, snake-king 27
armours 123 Altekar, A. S. 108 fn.
Arņorāja, king 96, 98, 109 Āmera Šāstrabhaņdāra, Jaipur 58 arrow 123 Amira 92
Arundhati 99 Amstamayi, maid 42
Aryarakṣitasūri 18
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