Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Translated to English, preserving Jain terms:
Crowded with people from various regions
Filled with people from various regions
Glittering with various lotus filaments
Resounding with various terrible noises
Engaged in various great wars
Afflicted by various kinds of miseries
Surrounded by various devotees
Adorned with various ornaments
Wearing garments of various colors
Delighted by the sound of various musical instruments
Afflicted by various diseases and old age
Engaged in hundreds of various activities
Disturbed by the cries of various birds
Mounted on various vehicles
Wandering in various wombs, shining with various jewels
Adorned with various jewels, shining with various beautiful jewels, bodies shining with various jewels - 354, bodies shining with various jewels - 382, bodies shining with various jewels and gold
Though endowed with various attainments
Waving various colored flags
Overwhelmed by various weapons
Seeing various equipment
Our names are Narayana
Names of the capital cities
Narayana's sons, and Narayana is also there
Narayana also, in the same way
Narayana also, the gentle-souled one, Narayana or another
The army of the enemies could not be tolerated
Though he is not born from the womb of a king
Not going out at night for food, sleep or urination - this kingdom is free from all obstacles, free from all attachments
Those who have attained the highest good
Sighing deeply and hotly
Filled with the fragrance of exhalation
Abandoning the community, becoming detached
Completely detached from great flesh
By the absence of ownership and immutability, the action is purified by the person
Even if the enemy is close, he is not seen
Heaviness in the hips due to the union of women and men
Some fruits of the hips
Extremely difficult to bear
The mind polluted by the root cause
Bound by the chain of the root cause
O king, give up sleep
By their falling and flying
Even for a moment he is not
Controlled by good conduct
Rejected by Sita, gone far away
Observing the mad one
The breath without heat, the sweat
Someone found the beloved who had gone out
Whose greatness of the sage is not known