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## Table of Contents
Jayatrikhanda Natha's 157 Jinavagamrita obtained
Knowledge and vision distinction, this is from Jayanti, the great goddess 162 Jinasasana tattvajna 218 Knowledge is eightfold, knowable
286 Water bubble essence 306
Other than Jinasasana 308 Knowledge and wisdom endowed Water bubble combination
Jinasasana Devi 236 Knowledge, conduct, and virtue attachments 415 In water, on land, even more 302 Jinasasana is one-sided 300 We inform you now, in our own 245 By chattering, the best woman 213 Jinasasana affection 337 Let it be known, whose sound is this? Born, known as Kulakara
Knowable, visible, and natural 286 Born, form-bearing, truth
Jinakshara maharatna 396 Better, beautiful, son 186 Seeing the form-bearing ones 180 Jinagara sahasraadhayam 354 From lights, dwelling places 262 Form-bearing, lotus-like
Jinendracharitanyasta 197 From the path of light, very high 357 Born, Baladeva's 312 Jinendradarshanaasakta 110 Burning, burning from
285 Born, necessarily to be done 378 Jinendradarshana-born 355 Burning, burning, evening-like 355 Born, Narayana, he is this Jinendra puja performance
Burning fire heap, frightened
287 Born, in the mountain forest, in the hunter Jinendra images, in them
Burning, burning, very high, Janaka, protecting truth 250
Jinendra bhakti samvita 353 Burning flame surrounded, that 265 Hearing Janaki's words 119 Performing Jinendra vandana 177
[] Janaki's dress, adopting 406
Jinendravara kutaani 354 Sour, sour, khadakkana
Janaki's devotion, given 181
Jinendravihite so'yam
Sour, sour, khadakkana 120 Janaki's sons, these two 265 Jinendrasasana, other than
[t] Jinendro Bhagavan, this
That, when will I go to the Lord, knowing 366
221 Knowing, but not this, all Tongue, wicked serpent-like 251
That, jewel-like, knowing, who is the person, in the well 62
That, such, coming, 205 Live, God, wicked son, knee-length, moment's water
That, seeing, face to face, Rama 336
388 Knee-pressed earth
That, in a blink, knowing, living, these two, then 141
That, towards, born, heroes 55 Son-in-law, Ravana's, not living, etc., principles 221
That, king, suddenly
277 Jambunadamayi staff 283 In the world of living beings, of the weak 314
That, story, then knowing, Jambunadamayi, with peaks, life-thirstless
That, story, summarizing 176 Jambunadamayi, again, life's Lord, rise
That, nearness, coming 106 Conquered, by extraction, then
To conquer, all world's beauty 343 These, these, by previous love, conquering, Rakshasa lineage 128
In Jain, by power and by devotion 366 That, this, umbrella scriptures 203 Conquering, enemy group, in number 126 Known, all-ending, 423
Hearing that, supreme, in attainment, conquering, all people, all 37 Known, I am, God, by dispassion 140 Neutral, man, his 112 Jinachandras, be worshipped 14 Knowing, life, unobtainable 351 Lightning, meteor, fast-moving, Jinachandra archana, placed 356 Knowing, kings, that, by various 84 Then, emerged, earth-cutting, 26 Jin Nirvana dhamaani, knowing, tiger chariot, bound
Then, somehow, placing 202 Jin bimba abhisheka, knowing, very difficult, enmity 316 Then, somehow, attaining
142 Jinmarg smriti, attaining, knowing, thus, movement, he does 148 Then, to tell, difficult
216 Jinavara vadana, coming out, knowing, vision, equal, two 416 Then, told, completely, 250