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The eleventh chapter of the scripture of the Jain Venerable Lord Vira describes the first Ganadhara (chief disciple) of the Venerable Lord, the excellent among the virtuous ones, Shri Gautama Swami. He narrated the conduct of Bhāmaṇḍala, which was like the halo of light.
1. The first, the first among the virtuous ones, the Ganadhara of the Venerable Lord Vira, narrated the mental inclination and the conduct of the halo of light.
2. Attached to the nectar-like flowers of happiness born from the heroic creepers of the great beloved of the Vidyādharas, the six-footed Bhāmaṇḍala (the bee-like Bhāmaṇḍala) contemplated.
3. He thought, "I shall undertake the vow of the Digambara ascetics." This lotus-like group (of women) will undoubtedly conduct itself like a lotus.
4. "In their separation, my life, not nourished by happiness, will certainly become a separation (from them)."
5. "The pleasures that are difficult to give up and difficult to obtain, the unrestrained happiness of passion, I shall first enjoy, and then I shall do what is beneficial."
6. "The extremely abundant sin acquired through enjoyments, I shall certainly burn away in a moment through the fire of pure meditation."
7. "Stationing the army here, I shall engage in the sport of flying in the vimānas (celestial chariots). I shall expel the cities of the enemies from all sides."
8. "I shall break the pride of the enemy elephants, and establish the two lineages in the command (of the kingdom)."
9. "Accompanied by the beautiful ones, I shall sport on the pleasant rock surfaces of the emerald and other jewels of Mount Meru."
10. While contemplating such things, moments became hundreds of years for that Jānaka (Bhāmaṇḍala).
11. "I have done this, I am doing this, and I shall do this," thus contemplating, he did not realize that the end of his life had come.
12. One day, while he was seated on the seventh floor of the palace, a thunderbolt fell on his head, and he passed away.
13. Although he knew completely the conduct of his previous births, he was not steadfast in his own emancipation.