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When separation from loved ones is inevitable, what is the joy in this strange world? ||3|| The attachment, "This is mine," is born of delusion, for the soul alone experiences the pain of coming and going. ||8|| In the island of false scriptures, filled with the mire of delusion, overflowing with the foam of sorrow and anguish, swarming with the whirlpools of birth, rippling with the waves of disease and death, enveloped in the deep abyss of delusion, churning with the fierce group of crocodiles of anger and other passions, terrifying with the roar of false logic, shaken by the wind of falsehood, filled with the salty water of bad destinies, and burning with the unbearable and intense fire of separation, we have been distressed for a long time, O father, in this terrible ocean of the world. ||85-88|| After wandering through countless births, we have attained human existence with great difficulty. Therefore, we want to do that which will prevent us from sinking again into this ocean of the world. ||8|| Then, surrounded by their families, they asked their parents in turn, and the eight valiant princes left the prison of their home. ||10|| As they left home, those valiant ones, who knew the nature of the world, had a sense of indifference towards that vast kingdom, just as there is indifference towards withered grass. ||6|| Then, they went to the garden called Mahendrodaya and, with great fervor, took the vows of renunciation from the great sage Mahabale. ||12||
Those who are free from all beginnings, naked, full of forgiveness, self-controlled, free from all attachments, detached, and absorbed in meditation, such perfect yogis dwell eternally in accordance with the law. ||13||
By destroying sin through proper austerities and restraining merit through spiritual yoga, those who have exhausted all the worldly illusions have attained the state of Jainism, the infinite bliss. ||14||
This is not needed. ||2||