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In the Padma Purana, seeing Rama, who brings joy to the heart and celebration to the eyes, the people, their minds elated, folded their hands in salutation. ||28|| Seeing the people, their bodies trembling, their minds repeatedly shaking, Padma said, "O noble ones! Tell me the reason for your arrival." ||29|| Then Vijay, Suraji, Madhuman, Vasula, Dhara, Kashyap, Pingala, Kala, Kshema, and other great men, overwhelmed by the king's influence, could not speak. They stood still, their eyes fixed on his feet, their vigor gone. ||30-31|| Although their intellect was eager to speak for a long time, their speech, like a bride, did not emerge from the house of their mouths with great difficulty. ||32|| Then Padma, with comforting words, spoke again, "Welcome, tell me the purpose for which you have come." ||33|| Even after being told this, they remained devoid of all senses. Standing still, they seemed as if a skilled craftsman had created them as clay toys and placed them there. ||34|| Their throats bound by the fetter of shame, their eyes somewhat restless like the young of deer, their hearts deeply troubled, those people were devoid of joy, their faces pale. ||35|| Then the leader among them, speaking in broken words, said, "O God! Grant us protection and be pleased." ||36|| Then King Ramachandra said, "O noble men! You have nothing to fear, reveal what is in your hearts and attain peace." ||37|| "I now abandon all sin and accept the pure, just as a swan, abandoning mixed water, accepts only milk." ||38|| Then, even after obtaining protection, Vijay, who had difficulty stabilizing his words, folded his hands and said in a soft voice, "O Lord! O Rama! O best of men! Hear my request. All the people have now become devoid of righteousness." ||39-40|| This human world, by its very nature, is very deceitful. Having seen a clear example, nothing is difficult for it. ||41||