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The Padma Purana states that those who lack faith and are not free from the five sins, including violence, are destined to wander through the four realms of existence. Their path is characterized by intense darkness and passion.
The path of the unworthy is filled with suffering and devoid of liberation, while the path of the worthy leads to liberation. The unworthy perpetually cycle through the four realms, while some of the worthy attain liberation.
All that encompasses the realms of existence, from the material elements of dharma and adharma to the boundless expanse of space, is called "loka." All beings in the universe are embodied, dwelling in the six types of bodies, starting with the earth element.
This vast multitude of living beings is infinite and never ceases to exist. Just as there is no end to grains of sand, the expanse of the sky, or the rays of the moon and sun, so too is the multitude of living beings endless.
The three realms of existence, encompassing both mobile and immobile beings, are eternal and without beginning. They are filled with the accumulation of individual karma and are constantly traversed by beings in various forms.
All those who have attained liberation, those who are currently attaining it, and those who will attain it in the infinite future, have done so through the path revealed by the Jinas. There is no other way.
How can one who is stained by the blemish of doubt, burdened by sinful actions, and devoid of the essence of dharma, attain true vision?
How can one who lacks faith attain dharma and its fruits? Those whose souls are devoid of true vision, who are enveloped in the harsh armor of karma, who are attached to false dharma, and who are far from their own well-being, are destined to experience the intense suffering of ignorance.
In the city of Hastinapur, there lived a householder named Upasti. His wife was named Dipini. She was filled with false pride, devoid of faith, and carried the poison of anger and envy. She was consumed by evil thoughts, and her words were always ready to condemn the virtuous. She never offered food to anyone herself, nor did she approve of others offering it. She diligently prevented even the smallest act of kindness.
Those who are afflicted by suffering and blinded by delusion cannot see this.