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## The Thirty-First Chapter
From the eighth day of the month of Ashadha, the king, eager to perform the glorification of the Jinas, began the preparations. [1]
All his beloved wives, sons, and relatives were also eager to perform the tasks related to the Jina images. [2]
Some, with great reverence, ground five-colored powders for making mandalas, while others, skilled in various creations, strung garlands. [3]
Some perfumed the water, others irrigated the earth, and some ground various kinds of fragrant substances. [4]
Some adorned the doors of the Jina temple with beautiful clothes, while others decorated the walls with the essence of various metals. [5]
Thus, the devotees, filled with devotion and joy, earned great merit by performing the worship of the Jina. [6]
Then, the king, having gathered all the best materials, performed the abhisheka of the Jinas, accompanied by the resounding sound of trumpets. [7]
After observing an eight-day fast, he performed the supreme abhisheka and offered grand worship with natural and artificial flowers. [8]
Just as Indra, along with the gods, performs the worship of the Jinas in the Nandishvara island, so too did King Dasharatha perform the worship with his entire family. [9]
After the queens returned home, the wise King Dasharatha sent the holy, peace-giving fragrant water to all. [10]
The young women quickly brought the fragrant water to the three queens, and they, with great faith, quickly applied it to their foreheads to destroy their sins. [11]
But, for Supribha, it was sent through the hands of an old woman, so it did not reach her quickly. Therefore, she was filled with great anger and sorrow. [12]
She thought, "This king's wisdom is not right, as he did not honor me by sending the fragrant water." [13]