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## Chapter Forty-Six
Knowing that Lakshmana's death was certain, Ravana, deeply pained by the thought of killing his son and brother, was filled with immense sorrow.
**1.** "Alas, brother! You were so generous and always dedicated to my well-being. How did you come to this unjust state of captivity?"
**2.** "Alas, my sons! You were so powerful, strong as my own arms. It is only by fate's decree that you have been subjected to this new bondage."
**3.** "What will the enemy do to you? My mind is filled with anxiety. I, the sinful one, do not know his intentions, or perhaps he will do something terrible, something that will bring harm to you."
**4.** "You, the best of men, worthy of love, have been subjected to the pain of captivity. I am deeply distressed. Why is this suffering mine?"
**5.** Like a mighty elephant whose herd has been captured, Ravana, consumed by silent grief, continued to mourn.
**6.** Hearing that Lakshmana, the bearer of fortune, had fallen to the ground, struck by the weapon, Sita was overcome with sorrow and began to lament.
**7.** "Alas, dear Lakshmana! Alas, the gentle one! Alas, adorned with virtues! You have come to this state for me, the unfortunate one."
**8.** "Even though I am in this predicament, I long to see you. But I, the sinful one, am unable to see you."
**9.** "I have no doubt that the wicked enemy, who killed a hero like you, can kill anyone. If he could kill a hero like you, he can kill anyone."
**10.** "You, who were always concerned for your brother's well-being, were first separated from your loved ones, and now, after crossing the ocean with great difficulty, you have come to this state."
**11.** "Will I ever again see the one who was skilled in games, the one who was humble, the one who spoke beautiful words, the one who performed extraordinary feats?"