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Padma Purana
Thus, many warriors, filled with sorrow, turned away from the hope of life, abandoned their weapons and plunged into the water. ||56||
In this way, when the great battle, a destroyer of the world, was taking place, causing the destruction of great warriors, Indrajeet was engaged in covering Lakshmana with sharp arrows, and Lakshmana was engaged in covering Indrajeet. ||57-58||
Indrajeet released a very fearsome weapon called Maha-tamas, which Lakshmana destroyed with the Surya-astra. ||59||
Thereafter, filled with anger, Indrajeet began to encircle Lakshmana with Naga arrows, along with his chariot, weapons, and vehicle. Then Lakshmana, using the Garuda-astra, dispelled that Naga-astra, just as a great ascetic yogi dispels a collection of past sins. ||60-61||
Thereafter, Lakshmana, while standing amidst the group of ministers and surrounded by a group of elephants, rendered Indrajeet chariotless. ||62||
Then, protecting his army with words and actions, Indrajeet released a Tamas-astra that enveloped Ravana in great darkness. ||63||
In return, Lakshmana, releasing the Surya-astra, destroyed Indrajeet's desire and released Naga arrows that could assume any form at will. ||64||
As a result, Indrajeet, while approaching the battle, was enveloped by Nagas all over his body, and just as the Bhamandala had fallen to the earth before, he too fell to the earth. ||65||
On the other hand, Rama, having destroyed the Surya-astra with a thunderbolt and using the Naga-astra, rendered Bhanukarna chariotless in battle. ||66||
Just as the mighty Bahubali, having conquered the son of Nami, Srikantha, bound him with a Naga-paasha, so too Rama, having enveloped Bhanukarna with Naga-paasha on all sides, caused him to fall to the earth. ||67||
Gautama Swami says, "O Shrenika! Those arrows were very strange. When they were placed on the bow, they remained in the form of arrows, when they moved, they became like the face of a meteor, and when they reached the body, they became like Nagas. ||68||
Those arrows were arrows for a moment, they became like a staff for a moment, and they became like a Naga-paasha for a moment. In reality, these were all varieties of weapons, divinely inspired, and capable of assuming any form at will." ||69||
The Acharya says, "Just as a worldly being is bound by the karma-paasha, so too was he bound by the Naga-paasha. Having attained the Padma-jnana, he was placed in his own chariot." ||70||
1. Ripum m. | 2. Hrutva m. | 3. Sumudho m. | 4. M. In the book 68-69, between the Tamaslokas, "Nijasainyarnavam dat va piyamanam samantatah. Shastrajvalavilaasena kapipralayavahnina." This verse is more.