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## The Fifty-Fifth Chapter
Knowing that the enemy's army was close at hand, Lanka was filled with anxiety, like the ocean at the time of the deluge. ||1||
Dasanana, his mind filled with anxiety, was filled with a little anger. The people, gathered in groups, discussed the battle. ||2||
The fear-inducing drums, whose sound was like the roar of the ocean, were beaten. The sound of trumpets and conch shells resounded in the sky. ||3||
The soldiers, filled with joy at the sound of the war drums, were ready for battle, eager to serve their lord. ||4||
Maricha, Amalachandra, Bhaskara, Syandana, Hasta, Prahasta, and many other warriors, clad in armor, stood by their lord. ||5||
Seeing the valiant Lankeshvara ready for battle, Vibhishana approached him, bowed his head, and folded his hands in respect. ||6||
He spoke, his words filled with wisdom, a master of language and meaning, a scholar of the scriptures, a wise and calm man, advocating for what was right, beneficial for his people, both in the present and the future. ||7-8||
He said, "O Lord! Your wealth is vast and magnificent, like that of Indra. Your fame, pure as the white lotus, fills the sky and the earth. ||9||
"O Lord! O Supreme Being! Let not this moment of transgression, caused by another's wife, destroy your spotless fame, like the line of a cloud at sunset. Be pleased! ||10||
"Therefore, quickly hand over Sita to Rama. What purpose does she serve you? There is no fault in handing her over, only virtue. ||11||
"O wise one! You are immersed in the ocean of happiness, so sit comfortably. Your own possessions are all around you, without fault. ||12||