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In the Padma Purana, the two, like two wind-controlled clouds, clashed with each other, striking each other with their swords, axes, and arrows. ||27|| Like lions, they were both extremely angry and possessed great strength, their eyes red with blazing sparks, breathing like serpents. ||28|| They hurled insults at each other, their arrogant laughter echoing loudly. "Damn your courage! Are you really going to fight?" they said to each other. ||29|| They fought a fierce battle, both endowed with magical powers, their own men shouting "Ha!" and "Victory!" at times. ||30|| Then, Mahendra, the mighty, endowed with the power of transformation, his body glowing with anger, unleashed a barrage of weapons. ||31|| He hurled at Hanuman, Bhushundi, axes, arrows, the Shataghni, maces, clubs, mountain peaks, and trees like the Sal and the Banyan. ||32|| Hanuman, however, was not shaken by these and other various weapons, just as a mountain is not shaken by a group of large clouds. ||33|| The rain of weapons, created by Mahendra's divine magic, was pulverized by the son of the wind, Hanuman, through the power of his meteor-magic. ||34|| Leaping from his chariot, Hanuman, with his massive arms like the tusks of an elephant, stopped Mahendra's chariot and seized his grandfather. The heroes cheered, and Hanuman, carrying his grandfather, mounted his own chariot. ||35-36|| Mahendra, with a gentle voice, began to praise his grandson, who was capable of producing meteors from his transformed hands and who possessed the highest good. ||37|| "Oh, my son! Your great power, though I had heard of it before, I have now seen with my own eyes. ||38|| You, who were never defeated by anyone in the battle with Indra, the lord of the gods, on the top of the Vijayadhan mountain, where there was a multitude of weapons and magical powers." ||39||
1. like two wind-controlled clouds. ||27||
2. -endowed with great strength. ||28||
3. mountain peaks. ||32||
4. cheered. ||36||