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As instructed by the Guru, Suketa saw the girl and told his brother Agniketa. Thus, the whole story came before Agniketa, i.e., it turned out to be true. ||131||
Then, after death, that girl was born as the daughter of Vilasa, named Vidhura. The wealthy man named Pravara requested her and obtained her, the beautiful one. ||132||
When the time for marriage arrived, Agniketa told Pravara that this girl was his daughter in a previous birth. ||133||
Saying this, he also narrated all those births to Vilasa, the girl's present father. Hearing those births, the girl remembered her past lives. ||134||
Frightened by the world, she desired to take initiation. On the other hand, Pravara thought that Vilasa was not marrying his daughter due to some deceit. Thus, Pravara, harboring a wicked intention, accused Vilasa in the assembly of their father. But in the end, Pravara lost, the girl attained the path of liberation, and Agniketa became a Digambara monk. ||135-136||
Hearing the story, we also became detached and took Jain initiation in the presence of the Muni Raja named Anantavirya. ||137||
Thus, due to the influence of the deluded, many wicked conducts arise in the world, which give rise to progeny. ||138||
This being, according to its own actions, obtains mother, father, friends, wife, son, and happiness-sorrow, etc., in birth after birth. ||139||
Hearing this, the vulture became extremely frightened by the sorrows of the world and started making sounds repeatedly, desiring to take refuge in Dharma. ||140||
Then, the Muni Raja said, "O Bhadra! Do not be afraid. Take vows now, so that you do not obtain this progeny of sorrows again." ||141||
Become completely peaceful, do not cause pain to any being, abandon falsehood, theft, and another's wife, or else, practice complete celibacy, be endowed with excellent forgiveness, abandon night-time meals, be endowed with good conduct, with great effort, keep the Jina in your heart day and night, practice the rules of fasting, etc., according to your ability, be free from carelessness, and control your senses. ||142-144||