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In the Padma Purana, knowing the king's affair with the wandering ascetic, the queen desired to do this. ||72|| Abandoning her love for life, and motivated by the suffering of others, she again sought the company of the Nirgrantha Muni. ||73|| Knowing her actions, the king was filled with anger. Remembering the slander of the Nirgrantha Munis by his ministers and others, ||74|| motivated by the hatred of the ascetics, he ordered his servants to crush all the Munis in a mortar. ||75|| The group of ascetics, along with their leader, were crushed in the mortar by the wicked men, and met their end. ||76|| At that time, one Muni was away, and was returning to the city. A compassionate man stopped him, saying, "O Nirgrantha! O Digambara! Do not enter the city in your former Nirgrantha garb, or you will be crushed in the mortar. Flee from here quickly." ||77-78|| The king, in his anger, has crushed all the Nirgrantha Munis in the mortar. Do not meet the same fate. Protect your body, which is the refuge of Dharma. ||79|| Then, pierced by the sorrow of the death of the entire community, the Muni stood motionless like a pillar, his consciousness obscured. ||80|| Then, from the cave of peace, the lion of anger emerged, driven by hundreds of sorrows, from the mountain of Nirgrantha Munis. ||81|| The sky was filled with the red glow of his eyes, like the fire of the ashoka tree, as if twilight had descended. ||82|| The Muni, burning with anger, sweat poured from his entire body, reflecting the image of the world. ||83|| Then, from his mouth, a fire emerged, like the fire of time, very crooked and vast, with the sound "Ha". ||84|| That fire, continuously burning, consumed the entire sky, without any fuel. ||85||