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The Jain, with a face as gentle as the moon, beautiful in every way, his eyes like a sea of radiance, a festival for the eyes, and adorned by the ever-humble Sita at his side, saw Rama. The man immediately cast off the weariness born of hunger and toil. He bowed, touching the ground with his forehead, and said, "Rest in the shade." He then sat down.
The Jain, his words like a stream of nectar, asked, "O blessed one, from where do you come, and what is your name?"
The man replied, "I come from a distant place, and my name is Kshiragupti." When the Jain asked, "Why is this land devoid of people?" he continued, "The king of Ujjayini, known as Singhodara, is renowned for his prowess. He has subdued all his vassals, and he is like a god. The king of Dasangapur, Vajrakarn, is his most beloved servant, and he has performed many wondrous deeds. He bows only to the Lord of the Jinas, the master of the three worlds, and to the Nirgrantha monks. He does not bow to anyone else. Have you not heard that his excellent Samyak Darshan, the result of the blessings of the holy ones, has become famous throughout the land?"
Lakshmana, who understood the Jain's intentions, asked, "Brother, how did the holy one bestow his grace upon him? Tell me."
The traveler replied, "O Lord, I will tell you briefly how the holy one bestowed his grace upon him. Once, Vajrakarn, eager to hunt, entered the forest near Dasaranapura, a forest teeming with life. From birth, he was known throughout the world as a cruel man, a slave to his senses, a fool, averse to good conduct, attached to the idea of possessions, blind to subtle truths, and corrupted by the demon of pride born of enjoyment. While wandering through the forest, he saw a holy man, a dweller in perfect peace, sitting on a rock in the midst of a grove of Kanneer trees. The holy man had renounced all worldly attachments, had attained the state of perfect discipline, and was as fearless as a bird, as strong as a lion.