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In the Padma Purana, thirty-four capitals are mentioned. There are fourteen great rivers, and a Jain temple on the Jambū tree. ||39|| Six Bhoga-Kshetras are mentioned, and eight Jinagṛhas. Eighty-six caves and the same number of buildings are also mentioned. ||40|| There are four thrones and thirty chariots. Two silver Vijayardha mountains are also mentioned. ||41|| In all the mountains with Vaksara mountains, the temples of the Jinas are adorned with a wealth of jewels. ||42|| In the Jambūmeru-Kshetra, in the southern direction, there is a large Rakshasa island adorned with Jain images. ||43|| In the Mahavideha-Kshetra, in the western direction, there is a large and auspicious Kinnara island, shining with Jain images. ||44|| In the Airavata-Kshetra, in the northern direction, there is an island called Gandharva, adorned with excellent Chaityalayas. ||45|| In the Videha-Kshetra, east of Mount Meru, in the eastern direction, the Dharana island shines. This Dharana island is also filled with Jain temples. ||46|| The Bharat and Airavata Kshetras are both subject to increase and decrease. The other Kshetras are stable, meaning that the cycle of time does not change in them. ||47|| In the building on top of the Jambū tree, there lives a god named Anavṛta. He is surrounded by many hundreds of gods of the Kilviṣa caste. ||48|| In this Bharat Kshetra, when the first time period, called Suṣamā, existed, it was filled with Kalpa trees, like the Uttarakuru. This means that there was a perfect Bhoga-bhūmi here. ||49|| At that time, the people here were radiant like the midday sun, two kosas tall, and perfectly adorned with all auspicious marks. ||50|| Here, couples were born together, and they lived for three