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## Verse Number Index
Having heard the Dharma, he was filled with joy,
228. Having heard the powerful one, he attained, 201
Having heard the beautiful stories, 262. Having heard this from the people, 340
Born only from thought, 317. Having heard that a hundred sons were bound,
Born from thought, sorrow arose, 309. Having heard of the previous birth,
There is no sign on the day for whom, 271. Having heard the words of Maricha, 215
Playing with the body, 251. Having heard from the king's mouth, the minister,
Brevity is the pause, 251. Having seen the things,
I will do it briefly, 161. Having heard this humble word, 177
After the number, in time, 448. Having heard the contracted eyebrows, 231
The object that is within the range of number, 428. Having heard that, I hold it in my heart, 343
Combined with the sound of music, 12. Heard in the worldly scriptures,
From his going to war, 152. Hear this series,
The series, hear this, 26. The series, even the great king,
Having conquered the two series, he, 110. Moving with difficulty, 351
The two series, then of them, 137. Sanjaya, by Narada, 473
Thus, in these beautiful series, 56. The best, the Jinas, the five, 441
Not having attained suffering, 13. The best of the gods, the god of gods, 112
With contentment, and by Indra, 300. The best lips, those two, 3
Leaving all the celestial beings, 302. The best, from the assembly, 107
Leaving those pleasures, 62. Praiseworthy, that world of relatives, even, 264.
Doubtful death, someone, 416. The mother-in-law, Ketumati, cruel, 373
The cycle of doubt and inequality, 347. The sorrows caused by the mother-in-law, 375
The evening colors, the beautiful lines, 225
The evening color, the delight of the mind, 101
The evening-attached cloud-masses, 33. With six verses, music is made,
The evening, born of gold, 175. The six, the bull, the third, 478
The evening gathering, the rising, 178. The six pleasure-worlds are said, 34
The wealth and the other, the carriage, twenty-two thousand, 140
This contact, this misfortune, 248. Sixty, and five, should be known, 432
The promised pledge, 170. By the sixth part, accomplished,
Worshiping with devotion, praising, 72. For him, with the sixth fast,
Now, indeed, that play, 446. For him, with the sixth fast, the king,
Considering that, then, half, 234. In the sixteenth year, even, 336
Sending first, the evening, 392. [S]
He attained the respect of the gods, 435. From the order of stories, whose,
He attained the protected wealth, 24. He attained the supreme place, 25
You have attained the forest, terrible, 388. Narada attained worship, 243
You have attained birth in a good family, 256. Having attained perfect knowledge, 17
The enemy of the earth, he will be born, 399. He will be born, six months, 42
I respect the gods, 126. Then, he spoke,
Born in the golden necklace, 146. Born, the womb of Sri Prabha,
Born in the lioness goddess, 467. Born from austerity, the form, 440
Born in the golden mountain, 467. Together, they were then broken,
Together, all of us, 217. Confused, steady-eared,
Confused, brown-eyed, 387. The face, the door, the day, the arrangement, 105
Combined with the time-duty, 435. In a hundred years, even, 337
Ten and eight years, 273. The king, angry, spoke,
The art of carrying, two ways, 320. The art of carrying, this,
The division of guests, 320. The division of this, should be done,
Wandering in the world, 23. The knowledge of the nature of the world,
In the terrible ocean of the world, 323. The destroyer of the world,
Attached to the conduct of the world, 452. Wandering in the world, the being, 331
The ritual, two kinds, is said, 480. I will suppress the pain, anger, 144
Collecting the image-work, 303. He, seeing these first, 109
How will he ask about his family, 370
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