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## Ilokanamakaradhanukramaḥ
They forget not the past 180, bound by ropes, the earth 303, doubts, etc., defects of vision 435, forgetting me, this god 159. || Bound by this, then pleased 79, able to go in the sky 377, forgetting good deeds done 211, Vaidyuta-dandhika-sakta
Able to fight, whose 126, wandering, all living beings 214, Vaidarya, the branch below 22, with supreme power 140, laughing, he then anger
Vaidhurya, forest in the middle 403, able to harm all, abandoning the kingdom like grass 436, enemies are many
Shakra, etc., bull-like gods 77, abandoning the tilaka-kesha 72, Vaivasvata-suta-Aira 493, Shakra also, in anger, the Aravata 293, seeing white teeth 105, manifest form, like color, speech 3, hundred, his sons, seeing auspicious sound
Announcing, with tearful eyes 452, hundred, others, by the son, Vina-jhankara-ramya 450, past sorrow, consciousness 425, hundred-armed, chariot, hearing
234 Vina, bamboo, conch 123, adultery, not knowing
Hundred-two, Kha-khadya-yoshat 429, Vina, bamboo, mixed 205, order, only, his
Hundred, five, bows 431, Vina, bamboo, etc., musical instruments, he discharged, the son's
Enemies, creating trembling, free from attachment, all-knowing 311, tiger-seen, deer-like this 373, enemies, arrival, hearing, free from attachment, that purpose, tiger, lion, etc., before
Enemy, thus, he conquered 146, hero-producing, hero
Tiger, by the fame-bearer 465, Shani, all-seeing 397, hero's, equal position, hunter, of those two, there was one
Sound, by that, knowing 294, what is cut, what is not cut
480, diseases, very severe 315, these pacifiers, how, snakes, tree-root-located, below
Hunter, also, for a long time, wandering 120, bed-making, method, some, trees, darkness, deep
Filled, direction, circle 339, autumn, ocean, form 133, surrounded, by Kshaya-samantas 117, sky, drop, thus, known 147, refuge, obtaining, that, lord 120, round, fat, great, pot, sky, like, dirt, connection
Refuge, obtaining, that, lord, sages 81, story, that, I, seeing 200, wound, breaking, then, his
Autumn, ocean, form 216, story, in, this, you, wound, breaking, method
Autumn, all, moon, like 295, in, knowledge, by, celestial beings, gods
Autumn, water, like, form 18, bowing, monkeys, of 127, by, those, some
Autumn, ocean, like, wave, increase, going, knowledge
Going, thus, in order, his
Autumn, moon, white, Veda, knowledge, scripture-ness 254, going, by, offering, with 150, autumn, flower, like, form 387, year, digs, ant-hill 191, let them go, now, living beings 51, arrows, hearing, attracted 292, bull-killer, not, whose
You go, where, by, samantas 121, body, obtained, by, dharma, bull, drum, shoulder
You go, now, elephant-hood 404. || Body, welfare, asking, etc. 164, bull, she, then, joined, vow, obtained, by, Rama
Body, then, not, his, rain, without, how, clouds
Vow, this, householder's 117, body, dress, refinement 483, speed, from, practiced, his 198, vow, this, by me, obtained
Body, like, with, joined 150, speed, great, going 120, vows, other, five, these 311, arrows, by, that, with, joined 195, speed, by, that, then, going 114
Moon, white, high 140
[Sh] Prostitute's, going, plane, or 141
Moon, like, form, by, bound, entered, by, those 178, doubt, desire, with, joined 322, moon, gentle, face, like 263