Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Verse Index and Glossary
**Verse Index:**
* 505
* 280
* 214, 276, 279
* 221, 433, 424
* 82, 253
* 177, 485, 126, 452, 405, 291, 249, 241, 236, 249, 340, 180, 137, 224, 330, 270, 314, 323, 408, 412, 379, 437, 314, 49, 340, 274, 327, 329, 329, 241, 241, 329, 325, 408, 473, 282, 479, 88, 141, 185, 42, 238, 133, 262, 349, 158, 394, 401, 361, 140, 185, 425, 317, 38
* 251, 141, 308, 330, 222, 261, 82, 170, 177, 245, 164, 422, 163, 263, 375, 331, 174, 443, 395, 346, 353, 368, 397
* 55, 258, 261, 260, 61
* **ऋषभ (Rishabha):** The first Tirthankara (spiritual teacher) in Jainism.
* **नमो (Namo):** A salutation, meaning "obeisance" or "respect."
* **अजितनाथ (Ajitanatha):** The first Tirthankara in the present time cycle.
* **वज्रबाहु (Vajraबाहु):** A powerful warrior.
* **सारथि (Sarathi):** A charioteer.
* **दशास्य (Dashasya):** A ten-headed demon.
* **मरुत्वञ्च (Marutvancha):** A powerful wind deity.
* **महेन्द्रोऽथ (Mahendra):** A king of the gods.
* **उपमान (Upaman):** A comparison or analogy.
* **उपयम्य (Upayamya):** To approach or go towards.
* **उपरम्भा (Uparambha):** An undertaking or beginning.
* **उपर्युपरि (Uparyupari):** Above, on top of.
* **उपवासं (Upavasam):** A fast.
* **उपविष्ट (Upvishta):** Sitting.
* **उपशल्य (Upshalya):** A wound or injury.
* **उपशान्त (Upshanta):** Calm, peaceful.
* **उपसर्ग (Upsarga):** A calamity or affliction.
* **उपाध्याय (Upadhyaya):** A teacher or guru.
* **उपाय (Upaya):** A means or method.
* **उपांशु (Upanshu):** A ray of light.
* **उरः (Urah):** The chest.
* **उरुदण्ड (Uru-danda):** The thigh.
* **उर्वरा (Urvara):** Fertile, productive.
* **उल्का (Ulka):** A meteor.
* **ऊचुः (Uchu):** They said.
* **ऊर्ध्वं (Urdhvam):** Upwards.
* **ऊष्मा (Ushma):** Heat.
* **एकं (Ekam):** One.
* **सहस्राणां (Sahasranam):** Of thousands.
* **संकोच्य (Sankochya):** Contracting.
* **सुमित्र (Sumitra):** A name.
* **एकनासत्व (Ekanasatva):** Having one nose.
* **एकचूडो (Ekachudo):** Having one tuft of hair.
* **द्विचूडश्च (Dvichudo):** Having two tufts of hair.
* **एकत्र (Ekatra):** Together.
* **भावनस्त्री (Bhavana-stri):** A woman who meditates.
* **एकत्व (Ekatva):** Oneness.
* **संसारो (Samsara):** The cycle of birth and death.
* **पुरस्यास्य (Purasya):** In front of this.
* **बलिवत् (Bali-vat):** Strong.
* **एकभक्तेन (Ekabhaktena):** By one devotee.
* **कालं (Kalam):** Time.
* **दशया (Dashaya):** By ten.
* **कस्य (Kasy):** Of whom?
* **एकविंशति (Ekavimshati):** Twenty-one.
* **वारान् (Varan):** Times.
* **अतीत (Atita):** Past.
* **एकाकिन्या (Ekakinya):** Alone.
* **पृथुकः (Prithuka):** Strong.
* **सिंहः (Simha):** A lion.
* **अस्फालयन् (Asphalayan):** Shaking.
* **क्षोणी (Kshoni):** The earth.
* **एकमुखैः (Ekamukhai):** With one face.
* **प्रान्त (Pranta):** Edge, boundary.
* **विरूपा (Virupa):** Deformed.
* **एकीभूय (Ekibhuya):** Becoming one.
* **व्रजन्तोऽमी (Vrajanta ami):** These who are going.
* **गृहे (Grihe):** In the house.
* **वासो (Vaso):** Residence.
* **एकोदरोषितां (Ekodaroshttam):** Born from the same womb.
* **भ्रात (Bhrat):** Brother.
* **नास्ति (Nasti):** There is not.
* **येषां (Yesham):** Of those.
* **भारतीनाथ (Bharatinatha):** A name.
* **भवत्यनेकश्च (Bhavati aneka):** There are many.
* **एतं (Etam):** This.
* **बन्धुजनं (Bandhujanam):** Relatives.
* **रक्ष (Raksha):** Protect.
* **विचित्रं (Vichitra):** Strange.
* **कलि (Kali):** The age of darkness.
* **एतत्कुलक्रमायातो (Etatkulkramayaato):** Coming from this lineage.
* **ऋतवो (Ritavo):** Seasons.
* **चेतःस्थ (Chetastha):** In the mind.
* **ऋत्विक् (Ritvik):** A priest.
* **पराजयोद्भत (Parajayodhbhata):** Arising from defeat.
* **संजातं (Sanjatam):** Born.
* **विभोदिव्यं (Vibhodivyam):** Divine glory.
* **शतं (Shata):** Hundred.
* **पुत्रा (Putra):** Sons.
* **समुत्पत्ति (Samutpatti):** Origin, birth.