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## The Padma Purana, Composed by Acharya Shrimad Ravishena
**First Chapter**
**Perfect, Complete, and Meaningful, the Cause of Perfection is Supreme. It is a treatise on Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct.** ||1||
I bow to the Great Hero, Mahavira, whose saffron-colored hair, like rays of light, adorn the crowns of the Indra, and who is the source of auspiciousness in all three worlds. ||2||
I bow to the first Tirthankara of the descending time cycle, Rishabha Jinendra, the best among the Jinas, the Yogi, the creator of all knowledge, and the self-existent. ||3||
I bow to Ajitanatha, the victor over all internal and external enemies, and to Sambhavanatha, who bears the meaningful name, from whom peace (sham) is attained. ||4||
I bow to Abhinandan, who brings joy to the entire world, and to Sumatinatha Jinendra, the holder of Right Knowledge, who refutes other doctrines. ||5||
I bow to Padma Prabha, whose radiance is like the lotus blossoms bathed in the rays of the rising sun, and to Supaashva, the omniscient, whose ribs were very beautiful. ||6||
I bow to the supreme Chandra Prabha, whose body shone like the full moon of the autumn season, and to Pushpadanta, whose teeth were radiant like blooming white lotus flowers. ||7||
I bow to Sheetalanatha Jinendra, who was cool, the giver of peaceful meditation, and to Shreyans, the auspicious one, the teacher of Dharma. ||8||
**The essence of the Padma Purana is according to the Shruti, which is the eternal knowledge, and it is the repository of infinite virtues of knowledge, bliss, and consciousness.** - Daulatramji
**Those who are self-fulfilled, whose grace fulfills the desires of the noble souls, who expound Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct, whose saffron-colored hair, like rays of light, adorn the crowns of the Indras, and who are the source of auspiciousness in all three worlds, to such Mahavira, I bow.** ||1-2||
**Those who were Yogis, the creators of all knowledge, and self-existent, to such Rishabha Jinendra, the first Tirthankara of the descending time cycle, I bow.** ||3||
**Those who have conquered all internal and external enemies, to such Ajitanatha, and those who bear the meaningful name, from whom peace (sham) is attained, to such Sambhavanatha, I bow.** ||4||
**Those who bring joy to the entire world, to such Abhinandan, and those who are the holders of Right Knowledge, and who refute other doctrines, to such Sumatinatha Jinendra, I bow.** ||5||
**Those whose radiance is like the lotus blossoms bathed in the rays of the rising sun, to such Padma Prabha, and those whose ribs were very beautiful, to such Supaashva, the omniscient, I bow.** ||6||
**Those whose body shone like the full moon of the autumn season, to such supreme Chandra Prabha, and those whose teeth were radiant like blooming white lotus flowers, to such Pushpadanta, I bow.** ||7||
**Those who were cool, the givers of peaceful meditation, to such Sheetalanatha Jinendra, and those who were auspicious, the teachers of Dharma, to such Shreyans, I bow.** ||8||