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## Chapter 418 of the Padma Purana: The Story of Vayu's Son
How can the influence of Vayu's son, the wonder-worker Hanuman, be described? For, O virtuous one, he was also honored by your auspicious presence. ||94||
This earth, protected by the treasury of valor, is not attainable by anyone through lineage. It is meant for the enjoyment of the valiant, and you stand at the head of the valiant, therefore, you should rule the world. ||95||
O lord of great renown, you are our master. Forgive us for our harsh words. We speak because it is necessary to speak, O lord, your boundless forgiveness is already evident. ||96||
By forming a bond with you, O one of great effort, I have achieved my purpose. Therefore, accept my daughter, for you are the most worthy of her. ||97||
Saying this, he offered his daughter, born to the queen Sudevi, a beautiful maiden with a lotus-like face, known as Satyavati, to Ravana. ||98||
A grand celebration took place at their wedding, honoring all the people. For both of them possessed all prosperity, and there was nothing left for them to seek. ||99||
Thus, honored by Ravana, who himself had honored him, and having followed him, Vayu entered his own capital. There, for some days, his heart was filled with sorrow due to the separation from his daughter. ||100||
Ravana, who shook Mount Kailasa, also came to Lanka and, with great honor, gave his daughter, Chandra-nakha's beautiful daughter, to Hanuman. That daughter was known throughout the world as Anangapushpa, the queen of virtues. Her eyes were like the flower-shaped weapon of Kamadeva, the god of love. Obtaining her, Hanuman was filled with great joy. ||102||