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## The Twelfth Canto
**287** This Kumar, Indrajit, is too powerful for this battle. You yourself should rise and destroy the enemy's pride. **251**
Seeing Indrajit approaching, strong and unyielding, Ravana, remembering the death of Mali and burning with the recent slaying of Sri Mali, charged forward in his chariot, swift as the wind. **252**
Seeing his son surrounded by enemies, Ravana, filled with rage, rushed forward in his chariot, swift as the wind. **253**
The battle between these two warriors was thrilling and terrifying. It was shrouded in the dense darkness created by the clash of weapons. **254**
In the darkness created by the weapons and the crimson mist, the valiant warriors could only be identified by their loud roars. **255**
Those warriors who had previously been hesitant to fight, now, spurred by their devotion to their lord and fueled by the anger of being struck, fought fiercely. **256**
They fought with maces, javelins, spears, clubs, swords, arrows, axes, golden discs, daggers, swords, tridents, nooses, maces, axes, maces, bows, stones, ploughshares, staffs, arrows, and countless other weapons designed to cut and kill. The sky was terrifying, filled with the fire of the clashing weapons. **257-259**
Here the sound of "grasad-grasad", there the sound of "shud-shud", here the roar of "ran-ran", there the sound of "kin-kin", here the sound of "trap-trap", there the sound of "dam-dam", here the sound of "chham-chham", there the sound of "pat-pat", here the sound of "chal-chal", there the sound of "tadd-tadd", here the sound of "tad-tad", there the sound of "chat-chat", and here the sound of "ghghghghgh". The battlefield was filled with the sounds of the clashing weapons. **260-263**
Horses were killing horses, elephants were killing elephants, charioteers were killing charioteers, elephant riders were killing elephant riders, and chariots were destroying chariots. **264**
The infantry, eager to fight, were ready to attack anyone who came before them. **265**
1. Rise. 2. Pride. 3. Tararavan-b. 4. Purvamara-v m., Purvamara-d b. 5. Karavali-bhiradhrip: m.