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## Translation:
It is not true that chariots and other objects are created solely by the effort of a wise human being. Because the materials like wood, etc., which are present in chariots, etc., are the ones that give rise to the form of a chariot, etc. **[224]**
Just as a carpenter, etc., has to endure hardship in making chariots, etc., similarly, God would have to endure hardship in creating the universe. This would hinder his happiness. In reality, the one you call God is just a name. **[225]**
Another question arises: Is God embodied or disembodied? If he is disembodied, then the creation of material objects is not possible. If he is embodied, then who created his body with its specific form? If he created it himself, then why don't other objects create themselves? If it is assumed that he was created by another God, then the question arises: Who created that other God's body? This leads to an infinite regress. To avoid this contradiction, if it is assumed that God has no body, then how can he be the creator of the universe, being disembodied? Just as the sky, being disembodied, is not the creator of the universe, similarly, God, being disembodied, cannot be the creator of the universe. If God is considered to be a creator like a carpenter, then he would be embodied, not disembodied. **[226-228]**
And what you said that Brahma created animals for the purpose of sacrifice, if this is true, then why are animals used for carrying loads, etc.? This creates a contradiction. Not only a contradiction, but it would be considered theft. **[229]**
This proves that due to the karmas acquired through passions, etc., all beings experience diverse conditions in the endless ocean of existence. **[230]**
Does karma come first or the body? It is not right to ask such a question because the relationship between the two has been going on since time immemorial, like the relationship between a seed and a tree. **[231]**
It is also not right to say that the relationship between karma and the body is eternal, because just as the absence of a tree is seen when the seed is destroyed, similarly, the absence of a body is also seen when karma is destroyed. **[232]**
Therefore, some hateful person, by performing evil deeds, has created a false scripture and propagated this sacrificial practice. **[233]**
You have been born in a noble family and are a wise human being, therefore, refrain from this evil practice, like the work of hunters. **[234]**
If killing beings were the cause of attaining heaven, then this world would become empty in a few days. **[235]**
**[222-223]** Upon reflection, it becomes clear that it is not true that all objects like chariots, etc., are created solely by the effort of a wise human being. Because the materials like wood, etc., which are present in chariots, etc., are the ones that give rise to the form of a chariot, etc. **[224]**