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Seeing the army of the Vidyadharas approaching, the Samantas of Sahasrarashmi, who were eager to protect each other and filled with enthusiasm, abandoned their desire for life, formed a cloud formation, and rose to fight without waiting for their lord's command. ||106-107|| Meanwhile, when Ravana's army was ready to fight, the following words of the gods suddenly echoed in the sky. ||108|| The gods said, "Oh! These brave men want to commit a great injustice by engaging in battle with the Vidyadharas, who are earth-dwellers." ||109|| "These poor earth-dwellers are few in number and simple-minded, while the Vidyadharas, on the other hand, are masters of knowledge and illusion and are very numerous." ||110|| Hearing these words of anxiety, which were repeated again and again in the sky, the Vidyadharas, who were of good character, were filled with shame and descended to the earth. ||111|| Then, in the battle that was started by equal warriors, Ravana's men began to strike each other with swords, arrows, maces, and spears. ||112|| The charioteers fought with the charioteers, the horsemen with the horsemen, the elephant riders with the elephant riders, and the foot soldiers with the foot soldiers. ||113|| Those who were being defeated one after another and whose weapons were clashing, creating fire, began to fight justly. ||114|| When Sahasrarashmi saw his army on the verge of destruction, he immediately mounted his excellent chariot and arrived. ||115|| Sahasrarashmi, adorned with an excellent crown and armor, possessed extraordinary brilliance, and therefore, seeing the army of the Vidyadharas, he was not afraid in the least. ||116|| Then, those who had regained their strength due to being united with their lord, whose umbrellas were open, and who had forgotten the pain of their wounds, entered the army of the Rakshasas like intoxicated elephants entering a deep sea. ||117-118|| Just as the wind drives away the clouds, so too did Sahasrarashmi, filled with great anger, drive away the enemies with a shower of arrows. ||119|| Seeing this, the gatekeeper said to Ravana, "Oh, God! Look,
1. Vaani m. | 2. Sardaham | 3. Nishshesh kh., m. | 4. Shreshtham | Rathmudhvamsamagatha m. | 5. Prasfurachchhatra k. |