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The Eighth Chapter
Then, adorned with splendor, Dasanana mounted the back of the elephant. The elephant, like a devoted disciple, stood respectfully. ||430||
Then, the gods showered flowers and offered salutations repeatedly. The celestial army, filled with joy, resounded with their voices. ||431||
Dasanana bestowed upon the elephant the name "Trilokamandan" (Adorner of the Three Worlds). Indeed, the elephant adorned the three worlds, and Dasanana, filled with joy, considered the name fitting. ||432||
A grand festival was held in honor of the acquisition of this supreme elephant. The celestial beings, adorned with flowers, danced on the beautiful mountain. ||433||
Even though everyone was awake due to this event, the morning trumpet sounded a loud and resonant note, marking the boundary between night and day, echoing through every cave of the mountain. ||434||
Then, the sun rose, as if the day, skilled in service, had presented a auspicious pot to Dasanana. ||435||
Dasanana, seated comfortably, engaged in his bodily rituals, surrounded by the celestial beings who discussed the elephant. ||436||
Suddenly, a man descended from the sky, trembling violently, covered in sweat, burdened with sorrow, bearing wounds from attacks, shedding tears, and revealing his frail body. He joined his hands, placed them on his forehead, and with great distress, pleaded. ||437-438||
"O Lord! Ten days ago, trusting in your strength, my brothers, Suryaksharajas and Riksharajas, driven by their lineage, left Alankarpur, the netherworld Lanka, with great enthusiasm to conquer the city of Kishka. ||439-440||
Both brothers were filled with pride, accompanied by a massive army, and fearless. They considered the world as insignificant as a blade of grass, due to their faith in your power. ||441||
Inspired by these two brothers, a vast multitude, filled with anger, descended upon Kishka and began to plunder. ||442||
Then, the valiant warriors of Yama, the guardian of the underworld, armed with various weapons, rose to fight. In the middle of the night, a great battle ensued among them. ||443||