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## The Sixty-Fourth Chapter
Seeing the earth-sphere slowly from the depths of the underworld, like a sacrifice to the One,
He saw the earth adorned with forests and mountains. ||506||
Knowing that his enemies had attained peace, free from fear,
Srimal went to Mount Meru to worship the Jina. ||507||
Returning from there, he saw on the banks of the southern ocean,
A forest called Prithvi-Karna-Tata, beautiful like the Devas. ||508||
He spoke to Srimal, whose voice was as sweet as a vina,
Who was seated close to his chest and held by his left arm. ||509||
"My dear, see this beautiful forest, with trees adorned with flowers,
Whose waters flow gently, like a woman with a parting in her hair." ||510||
"This mountain, called Dharani-Mauli, stands tall,
Like a cloud in the autumn sky, with its high peaks." ||511||
"It is adorned with waterfalls, shining with laughter,
With foam like the white petals of the kunda flower." ||512||
"This forest of trees, swaying in the wind,
Seems to offer us a flower garland with its branches, as if in welcome." ||513||
"The wind, rich with the fragrance of flowers, fills our nostrils,
And the bowing trees seem to greet us." ||514||
"This mountain, with its virtues, has bound me fast,
I cannot cross it and go further." ||515||
"I will build a palace here, inaccessible to earth-dwellers,
My happy mind indicates that this is auspicious." ||516||
"My heart, which was saddened by dwelling in Alankarpur, in the depths of the underworld,
Will find joy here." ||517||
Having said this, he was encouraged by his beloved, filled with wonder,
And descended upon the mountain, scattering the dense clouds. ||518||
The Mahavidya and Mahaparakrama-bearer, the Vidyadhara named Nirghata, ruled Lanka. ||505||
One day, the Vidyadhara Nirghata, who was like a sacrifice to the One, emerged from the underworld city of Alankarpur, which was like the city of Bali, and slowly surveyed the earth-sphere, adorned with forests and mountains. At that time, he learned that his enemies had attained peace. Knowing this, he became fearless and, with his queen Srimal, went to Mount Meru to worship the Jina. ||506-507||
After worshipping, while returning, he saw a forest called Prithvi-Karna-Tata on the banks of the southern ocean. This forest was as beautiful as the Devas. ||508||
Kishkindha, whose voice was as sweet as a vina, who was seated close to his chest and held by his left arm, said to his queen Srimal, ||509||
"My dear, see this beautiful forest, with trees adorned with flowers, and whose waters flow gently, like a woman with a parting in her hair." ||510||
"This mountain, called Dharani-Mauli, stands tall, like a cloud in the autumn sky, with its high peaks." ||511||
"It is adorned with waterfalls, shining with laughter, with foam like the white petals of the kunda flower." ||512||
"This forest of trees, swaying in the wind, seems to offer us a flower garland with its branches, as if in welcome." ||513||
"The wind, rich with the fragrance of flowers, fills our nostrils, and the bowing trees seem to greet us." ||514||
"It seems that this mountain, with its virtues, has bound me fast, and I cannot cross it and go further." ||515||
"I will build a palace here, inaccessible to earth-dwellers. My happy mind indicates that this is auspicious." ||516||
"My heart, which was saddened by dwelling in Alankarpur, in the depths of the underworld, will find joy here." ||517||
Having said this, he was encouraged by his beloved, filled with wonder, and descended upon the mountain, scattering the dense clouds. ||518||