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## The Padma Purana
**Chapter 5: The Lineage of the Rakshasas**
**Verse 403:** Thus, many kings passed by. Among them, a king named Dhanaprabha ruled Lanka. His son, Kirtidhavala, renowned and born from his wife Padma, was born.
**Verse 404:** He was born from the Padma Agama, ruled by the Kshecharas, and enjoyed supreme sovereignty in Lanka, just as Indra enjoys it in heaven.
**Verse 405:** Thus, by the power of their past tapas, men attain enjoyment in the human and divine realms. Those adorned with excellent qualities and possessing bodies adorned with various virtues, having burnt away the karmic stains, become Siddhas.
**Verse 406:** Those whose minds are attached to evil deeds receive great condemnation in this world and after death fall into hell, experiencing various kinds of suffering. Knowing this, O noble beings! Embrace the sun-like path to destroy the darkness of sin.
**Conclusion:** Thus ends the fifth chapter of the Padma Charita, composed by the Acharya Ravishena, known as the Arsha, which describes the lineage of the Rakshasas.