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## 86
**Verse 263:** Even if they are the lords of the celestial realms, adorned with splendor, they are reduced to ashes by sorrow in an instant.
**Verse 264:** Even the Tirthankaras, the ones who bring joy to the three worlds, abandon their bodies when their lifespan ends.
**Verse 265-266:** Just as birds, after spending the night on a large tree, fly in all directions at dawn, similarly, many beings, after gathering together in a family, go their separate ways according to their karma.
**Verse 267:** Some have witnessed the actions and beautiful bodies of those ancient beings with their own eyes, but we only know them through stories.
**Verse 268:** Death is stronger than all the powerful beings, for it has conquered all the powerful.
**Verse 269:** Oh, what a wonder! Our chests don't burst when we remember the destruction of great souls like Bharata and others.
**Verse 270:** The wealth, loved ones, and bodies of beings are like foam, waves, rainbows, dreams, lightning, and acacia blossoms.
**Verse 271:** There is no human in the world who can be compared to this, that just as this is immortal, so are we.
**Verse 272-273:** Those who are capable of drying up the ocean filled with crocodiles, or grinding Mount Meru to dust with their hands, or lifting the earth and swallowing the moon and sun, even they have entered the mouth of Yama, the god of death, in due time.
**Verse 274:** All beings in the three worlds are subject to this insurmountable death. Only the Siddhas, born from the Jain Dharma, are free from it.
**Verse 275:** Just as many kings have met their end due to time, so shall we also meet our end. This is the common law of the world.
**Verse 276:** When this common thing, death, comes to all beings in the three worlds, who, with a wise mind, will grieve for the cause of existence?
**Verse 277:** As this discussion was going on, the wise Chakravarti, skilled in observing actions, saw only two sons in front of him. Seeing them, he began to think in his mind.
**Note:** The term "Tirthankara" is a Jain term referring to a spiritual teacher who has attained liberation and guides others to do the same. The term "Siddha" refers to a liberated soul who has attained perfect knowledge and is free from the cycle of birth and death.