apparently based the nature of the object stolen away by a person, and the punishment differed accordingly. Death. (marana-danda ), either by mutilating the head or impaling, is stated to have been the only punishment for stealing jewels. from the royal treasury.1
Next to the theft and robbery was the act of adultery. Sexual relationship with any one except the wife was regarded as the most heinous crime on the part of a person. Adultery with the virgins or the ladies of the respectable families or the inmates of the royal harem2 more condemned than that with the widows or maid servants. Mention has been made of the mythological story of Indra's seduction of Udamka Risi's wife for which he was cursed with the sin of Brahma-hatya, one of the five great crimes", by the sage. The person charged with adultery was taken around the city after being censured and beaten, his head shaven off and his penis mutilated." This was an usual punishment for this sort
of crime.
Murder was a serious crime and was severely dealt with.. In the text, an instance can be found where three sons of a king devised to murder the king in order to seize the kingdom. They, however, did not succeed in their plans and were severely punished by the king for their treacherous action."
Non-execution of the king's order was also a grave offence.. King being the absolute ruler of the State, his orders were
1. रण्णा रयणहारि त्ति काउं. तस्स मारणदंडो एक्को आणत्तो - NC. 4, p. 343; also NC. 2, p. 18.
2. NC. 4, p. 19; NC. 2, pp. 379-80.
3. Ibid.; also NC. 2, p. 379.
NC. 3, pp. 581-82.
7. NC. 3, p. 48.
4. NC. 3, p. 340; Brh. Vr. 2, pp. 543-44.
5. According to Manu the pañcamahāpātakani or five great crimes are: (i) slaying a Brahmana, (ii) drinking intoxicating liquor, (iii) theft of the gold belonging to a Brāhmaṇa, (iv) adultery with the wife of a spiritual preceptor and (v) associationing with any one guilty of these crimes-Manava-dharmasastra, IX. 235 and XI. 55-59.
6. परदारे बहु दोसा, णरगगमणं डंडणं संडणं तज्जणं ताडणं लिंगच्छेदादिं च पावति
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