prakalpa ( Ayara pakap pa ).' In the preludial verses the author of the NC, clearly indicates that having dealt with the Vimutti Cala ( the fourth Cūla of Äyara ) he subsequently explains the wisīha Cūla.2 This last Calā, i. e. Niśätha, marked the culmination of the whole Jaina ·Acara as it not only prescribed expiations for transgressing the monastic rules, but also laid down exceptions to the general rules ( avavada ) which could be resorted to by the versed ( giyattha , monks in case of exceptional or unusual circumstances. 3 Due to the complexity of its contents the Niśītha Satra soon acquired an independent status and a considerable intellectual and moral standard in respect of stu lents was deemed necessary for being imparted with the contents of this text. The study of Ācāra along with its first four Calās could commence any time after the initiation, but the Nišitha Czla being profound and abstruse in its contents, was to be divulged only to a few versed ( giyattha, pariņimaga ) monks after a minimum period of three years of initiation to the monkhood. The nuns were completely debarred from studying Niśitha, a Satiśayz work. However, they were allowed to study Ācāra. This restriction regarding the study of Nišitha must have been the main cause of its exclusion from the rest of the Acara. It was later incorporated into the section of the canon known as Cheda Sūtra. This was perhaps because of the similarity of its contents with
1. Qani L * 214!T97), NC. I, p. 3. 2. Or fagier T, 345-11990 for TF13-NC. 1, p. 1. 3. NC. 1, p. 3. 4. Ibid. 5. Kapadia, op. cit., p. 117; Brh. Vr. 1, pp. 45-46. 6. The NC. mentions Chedasuva asuttamasutta' (NC. 4, p. 253 ). Acco
rding to Kapadia such a class of works which can be taught to the purinata p?pils only is designated as Chadır Súra (Kapadia, op. cit., p. 35 ). According to another definition, Ckudu means cut and consequently Cheda Sūtra may be construed as a treatise which prescribes cuts in seniority ( aikšā-paryāya) in the case of Jaina clergy on their violating any rules of their order ( Ibid. ). The Cireda Sü'ras are six in number, viz. Niśithe, Maharišitha, iyavahāra, Dabas rutasan dha, Kalpa and Pancakalpu or Jitakalpa.
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