To burn grass etc. for a purpose or habitually is called Davadana and to dry collected water like that in lake, pond etc. is called Sarahshosh.
संयुक्ताधिकरणत्वमुपभोगातिरिक्तता ।
मौखर्यमथ कौकुच्यं कन्दर्पोऽनर्थदण्डगाः ॥११४॥ Meaning: To keep tools or implements (for violence), to keep more than necessary means of consumption and enjoyment, to talk nonsence, to be clownish, and to use lusty language are the five transgressions of the anarthadanda vrata.
कायवाङ मनसा दुष्टप्रणिधानमनादरः ।
स्मृत्यनुपस्थापनं च स्मृताः सामायिकवते ॥११॥ Meaning : To employ mind, tongue, and body in sinful activities; want of enough enthusiasm for undertaking the samayika vrata (vow); and to forget the time-limit of the samayika vrata are the five transgression of this samayika vrata.
प्रेष्यप्रयोगानयने पुद्गलक्षेपणं तथा।
शब्दरूपानुपातौ च व्रते देशावकाशिक ॥११६॥ Meaning : (1) Sending some one beyond the permitted limit; (2) sending for a thing from a place outside the fixed limit; (3) throwing something to draw attention of a person standing beyond fixed limits; (4) shouting to call a person and (5) calling a person from beyond fixed limits by visual gestures; these are the five transgressions of this desavakasika vrata.
Yoga Shashtra
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