उत्सर्गादानसंस्तारा अनवेक्ष्याप्रमृज्य च। अनादरः स्मृत्यनुपस्थापनं चेति पौषधे ॥११७॥
Meaning : (1) To pass urine or stool etc. on a place which has not been inspected and prepared; (2) to accept implements without inspecting and preparing; (3) to prepare bed without inspecting and cleaning; (4) to show disrespect, and (5) to forget if pausadha vrata is undertaken or not these five are the transgressions of the pausadha vrata.
सचित्ते क्षेपणं तेन पिधानं काललंघनम् ।
मत्सरोऽन्यापदेशाश्च तुर्यशिक्षाव्रते स्मृताः ॥११८।। Meaning : (1) To place alms ment for a monk on sentient earth, water, fire, etc; (2) to cover alms with some sentient thing; (3) to prepare food after the time of monk's begging is over; (4) to give alms by envying others; (5) not to give a thing in alms pretending it to be belonging to some one else; these five are the transgressions concerning the Atithisamvibhaga vrata.
एवं व्रतस्थितो भक्त्या सप्तक्षेत्र्यां धनं वपन् । दयया चातिदीनेषु महाश्रावक उच्यते ॥११९।।
Meaning : Observing all the twelve vows in good faith, spending money in seven sections of the society (monk, nun, common man and woman, idol, temple and knowledge) and giving wealth in charities to needy persons, one earns the designation of a supreme householder.
Third Chapter
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