श्रा: कन्दः समग्रोऽपि सर्वः किसलयोऽपि च । स्नुही लवणवृक्षत्वक् कुमारी गिरिकर्णिका ॥ ४४ ॥
शतावरी विरूढानि गुडूची कोमलाम्लिका । पल्यंको मृतवल्ली च वल्लः शूकरसंज्ञितः ॥४५॥
अनन्तकायाः सूत्रोक्ताः श्रपरेऽपि कृपापरैः । मिथ्यादृशामविज्ञाता वर्जनीयाः प्रयत्नतः ॥ ४६ ॥
Meaning People who are intent upon observing compassion for all living beings must, as a rule, give up using green bulbous roots, green growing petals, snuhi (a succulant ), bark of lavana tree, kumari, girikarnika, shatavari, sprouted pulse corn, guduci, fresh tamarind, palyanka, amritvalli, all these which are well known in the Aryan countries and many other which are known in the non-Aryan countries and referred to in the Sutras.
स्वयं परेण वा ज्ञातं फलमद्याद्विशारदः । निषिद्धे विषफले वा माऽभूदस्य प्रवर्त्तनम् ॥४७॥
Meaning: A wise man should eat the fruit which is known to him or to others. He should never turn his eyes to fruits which are either prohibited or which are poisonous.
अन्नं प्रेतापिशाचाद्यैः सञ्चरद्भूिनिरंकुशैः ।
उच्छिष्टं क्रियते यत्र तत्र नाद्याद्दिमात्यये ॥ ४८ ॥
Meaning: One should not eat after sunset as the food is polluted by the goblins who are moving uncontrolably at night.
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