say that, that also becomes the cause of hell just as even a particle of deadly poison turns out to be the cause of death.
मधुनोऽपि हि माधुर्य-मबोधेर हहोच्यते । श्रासान्द्य यदास्वादाच्चिरं नरकवेदनाः || ४० ॥
Meaning: The ignorant people say that sweetness of honey is wonderful. But how can it be said so, as the very use of it makes the user undergo troubles in the hells.
मक्षिकामुखनिष्ठ्यूतं जन्तुघातोद्भवं श्रहो पवित्रं मन्वाना देवस्नाने
Meaning : Oh! people use it for bathing the gods, taking it to be holy, though it is the spit come from the mouths of the bees and produced by killing (a lot of ) bacteria etc.
मधु । प्रयुञ्जते ॥ ४१ ॥
उदुम्बरवटश्प्लक्ष- काकोदुम्बरशाखिनाम् पिप्पलस्य च नाश्नीयात्फलं कृमिकुलाकुलम् ॥४२॥
अप्राप्नुवन्नन्यभक्ष्यमपि क्षामो बुभुक्षया ।
न भक्षयति पुण्यात्मा पञ्चोदुम्बरजं फलम् ॥४३॥
Meaning: Even though one may be emaciated due to hunger and even though he may not be getting any thing permitted to be eaten, he should never eat, if at all he is religious, the fruits of udumbara, vata plaksa, kakodumbara, and pippala as they are abounding in worms etc.
Third Chapter
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