Non-Possessiveness असंतोषमविश्वासमारम्भं दुःखकारणम् । मत्वा मूर्छाफलं कुर्यात् परिग्रह नियन्त्रणम् ॥१०६।।
Meaning : The roots of misery sprout from discontent, disbelief and sin; which, in turn, sprout from illusion of desire; knowing this, one should control possessiveness.
Explanation: It has been proclaimed by Nataputta (Mahavir) that, in fact, the desire for possessions is in itself the act of possession, and not the physical possession alone.
परिग्रहममत्वाद्धि मज्जत्येव भवेम्बुधौ ।
महापोत इव प्राणी त्यजेत्तस्मात्परिग्रहम् ॥१०७॥ Meaning : Lust for possessions must be given up because one sinks, like a large boat, into the ocean of worldly existence due to craving for possessions.
त्रसरेणुसमोऽप्यत्र न गुणः कोऽपि विद्यते ।
दोषास्तु पर्वतस्थूलाः प्रादुःषन्ति परिग्रहे ॥१०८॥ Meaning : There is not even a microscopic advantage in desire for possessions; on the contrary, there are disadvantages as large as mountain.
सङ्गाद्भवन्त्यसंतोऽपि रागद्वेषादयो द्विषः ।
मुनेरपि चलेच्चेतो यत्तेनान्दोलितात्मनः ।।१०९।। Meaning : Concealed vices of love and hatred come to surface when desire for possessions (parigraha)
Second Chapter
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