keeping himself disciplined in face of efforts of seduction by a beautiful woman infatuated with him.
ऐश्वर्यराजराजोऽपि रूपमीनध्वजोऽपि च । सीतया रावण इव त्याज्यो नार्या नरः परः ॥१०२॥
Meaning : Just like Sita who did not ever look at Ravana, women should eschew other person even though he may be wealthy like sovereign monarch and handsome like Cupid.
नपुंसकत्वं तिर्यक्त्वं दौर्भाग्यं च भवे भवे । भवेन्नराणां स्त्रीणां चान्यकान्तासक्तचेतसाम् ॥१०॥
Meaning : Promiscous man or woman cause themselves to be born as impotents, beasts, and destitutes in numerous rebirths.
प्राणभूतं चरित्रस्य परब्रह्मैककारणम् । समाचरन् ब्रह्मचर्य पूजितैरपि पूज्यते ॥१०४॥ चिरायुषः सुसंस्थाना दृढसंहनना नराः । तेजस्विनो महावीर्या भवेयुर्ब्रह्मचर्यतः ॥१०॥
Meaning : People observing celibacy, which is the very essence of conduct as also the sole cause of emancipation, are worshipped even by the worshipped.
Through celibacy, people can become long-lived fine-figured, firmly built, lustrous, and greatly powerful.
Yoga Shashtra
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