स्त्री सम्भोगेन यः कामज्वरं प्रतिचिकीर्षति । स हुताशं घृताहुत्या विध्यापयितुमिच्छति ॥ ८१ ॥
Meaning: One who wants to cure the fever generated by passion by taking recourse to sexual intercourse is like him who wants to quell the fire by pouring pure butter.
Meaning: It is better to embrace a red-hot iron pillar rather than enjoying a woman; that gateway to hell.
ज्वलदयस्तम्भपरिरम्भो विधीयते । पुनर्नरकद्वार रामाजघनसेवनम् ॥८२॥
सतामपि हि वामभ्रर्ददाना हृदये पदम् । अभिरामं गुणग्रामं निर्वासयति निश्चितम् ॥ ८३ ॥
Meaning Woman, capable of occupying a place in hearts of even righteous people definitely deprives them of noble virtues.
वञ्चकत्वं नृशंसत्वं चञ्चलत्वं इति नैसगिका दोषा यासां तासु
कुशीलता । रमेत कः ॥ ८४ ॥
प्राप्तुं पारमपारस्य पारावारस्य पार्यते । स्त्रीणां प्रकृतिवक्राणां दुश्चरित्रस्य तो पुनः ॥८५॥
Meaning : Who would play amorously with women to whom faults and vices, like deceitful nature, wickedness, fickleness, unchastity etc. are natural. It may be possible to get measure of the boundless and unfathomable ocean, but not a woman who is crooked and unchaste by nature.
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