देहं पद्म च मन्त्राचि-रन्तर्वह्निपुरं बहिः । कृत्वाऽशु भस्मसाच्छाम्येत् स्यादाग्नेयोति धारणा ॥१८॥
Meaning : In the same manner as referred to above, imagine a sixteen-petalled lotus in the navel. In the centre put Arham and on each of the sixteen petals put a (31), aa (37), i (5), ee ($), u (3), oo (3), r (FE), rr (FE), Ir (T), Irr (ET), e (5), ai (!), o (31), au (377), am (), and ah (37:). So also imagine an eight petalled lotus in the heart. Put on each of the petal knowledge obscuring karma, perception-obscuring karma, pain inflicting karma, illusory karma, age determining karma, fame-determining karma, status determining karma, and inhibiting-karma, called jnanavaraniya, darsanavaraniya, vedaniya, mohaniya, ayusya, nama, gotra, and antaraya respectively. Imagine that the face of the lotus is drooping downward. Imagine that there is a spark of fire surrounded by smoke and emitted slowly from the Ref () of that Rham (. Then imagine that you are burning the eight types of karmas placed on those eight petals in the flames coming out from that Arham (378). Then imagine that there is a three-cornered heap of fire outside your body, characterized by the sign of swastika and by r which represents the element of fire. Then one should imagine that he is burning away all the eight types of the karmas as well as his own body with the help of both the types of fire, internal and external. Then he should be tranquil for ever. This is called the thought process based on the element of fire.
Seventh Chapter
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