ces to ashes, in an instant, the fuels gathered together.
Explanation : It is a matter of experience for all of us that it takes not so much time in burning away fuel as it tikes in collecting it. In the same way, yoga wipes out the karmic particles so long assembled. Emancipation would be impossible if it were to take as much time to shed karmas as it took to amass them ; new karmic influx is also in operation when the old accumulated ones are being shed.
कफविण्मलामर्श - सवौंषधिमहर्द्धयः ।
सम्भिन्नस्रोतोलब्धिश्च यौगं ताण्डवडम्बरम् ॥ ८ ॥ Meaning : The phlegm, faeces, impurities and touch of the yogi serve the purpose of costly medicines. He acquires the extraordinary power of dividing a curreut into two. All this indicates the greatness and glory of yoga.
चारणाशीविषावधि - मनःपर्यायसंपदः ।
योगकल्पद्रुमस्यैता, विकासिकुसुमश्रियः ॥ ६ ॥ Meaning: All the supernatural powers, like walking in the sky, self-control, showering favours, superhuman knowledge and reading the thoughts of others' minds, are but the beauties and grace of the blooming flowers of the desire-yielding tree, called yoga.
अहो! योगस्य माहात्म्यं, प्राज्यं साम्राज्यमुद्वहन् ।
अवाप केवलज्ञानं, भरतो भरताधिपः ॥१०॥ Meaning : Oh ! What power yoga has! (It is through yoga only that) Bharat, who was the over-all
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