कृतापराधेऽपि जने, ईषद् - वाष्पादयोर्भद्रं,
Meaning May good accrue to the eyes of Sri Vira Jina which are wet with tears and full of compassion towards even those who have done harm to him.
Explanation: In this world, poor and wretched people usually maltreat those who might have borne harm to them. If, in any case, they are unable to retaliate, they at least think ill of them. But the yogis are of different mettle and type. Their attitude, approach, and outlook are poles apart from those of the worldy people. It is because of this fundamental difference that Mahavira was abounding in compassion for one and all without exception. He had acquired extraordinary powers through yoga and had he meant, he could crush not one god but thousands of them. The yogis never think of using their prowess for mundane glory.
कृपामन्थरतारयोः । श्रीवीर जिननेत्रयोः ॥ ३ ॥
Being attracted with the efficacy of the yogic power, the author of this work, Hemachandra, has, in the very beginning, offered a panegyric, hinting at the sublime character of Mahavira and exhorting those who wanted to scale the lofty heights of spiritualism to adopt the same method and means which Mahavira did.
श्रुताम्भोधेरधिगम्य, सम्प्रदायाच्च सद्गुरोः ।
स्वसंवेदनतश्चापि, योगशास्त्रं विरच्यते ॥ ४ ॥
Meaning: (The author, Hemachandra says) "I have prepared this Yogashastra basing it on my
First Chapter
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