hence at the time of its origin also, that (Omniscience ) is as already mentioned ( the illuminator of the universe and the non-universe.
ātmasthamātmadharmatvätsamvittyā caivamisyate. gamanāderayogena nānyathā tattvamasya tu.
The omniscience, as the characteristic of soul is realised through consciousness, while pervading it ( the soul ). The Omniscience alienated from soul ceases to exist, beacuse essence can not exist otherwise ( without its substratum ).
yacca candraprabhādyatra jñātam tajjñātamātrakam. prabhā pudgalarūpā yattaddharmo nopapadyate.
Here the analogy between omniscience and moon light is merely an ( incomplete ) analogy. Because light being a matter can not be a characteristic of the moon ( as non-material Omniscience is that of the soul ).
ataḥ sarvagatābhāsamapyetanna yadanyathā. yujyate tena sannyāyātsaṁvittyādo'pi bhāvyatām.
Again, the analogy between the luster of moonlight, not pervading the whole ( universe and non-universe) and all-pervading Omniscience is not proper. It will be proper to consider it (Omniscience ) on the basis of its real characteristics, as well as feelings etc.
nādravyo'sti guņāloke na dharmāntau vibhurna ca. ātmā tadgamanādyasya nā’stu tasmādyathoditam.
Characteristics ( can not ) exist without matter ( substratum ), the mediums of the motion and the rest is absent in the non-universe. The soul is not all-pervading. The going etc. of the Omniscience, outside soul is not found, hence, Omniscience is as already said ( illuminates the
whole universe and resides in the soul ). Jain Education International
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