The Concept of Matter in Jaina Philosophy
stand-point of quality.1 On the basis of the āgamic statement Umāsvāti defines the point in this way that the individual self attracts particles of Matter which are fit to turn into karmapudgala (karmic matter) as the self is actuated by passions. This is bondage.2 There is no capacity in Matter to attract Soul, but there is only the quality in it to be received by Soul. It is the Soul which receives Matter by attracting it and thus attains bondage with it. All souls do not receive matter. Only the worldly souls receive matter which is capable of turning into karmic matter because of the nature of being associated with the transformation tinged with passions. Just as the digestive fire of the stomach (gastric fluid or juice ) absorbs food suitable to it, so also the self attracts karmas of duration and fruition corresponding to the viruient, mild or moderate nature of passions. 3
Function of Matter
The function of Matter is to form the basis of body and organs of speech and mind, and respiration.4 That is, soul attracts further forms of Matter fit to turn into karmic matter by the association of forms of Matter like mind, speech, and body. In other words, Soul, having attracted forms of Matter and attained bondage with the received forms of Matter, transforms those forms of Matter into the form of mind, speech and body and again it attracts more forms of Matter fit to turn into karmic matter by the contact of matters transformed by mental, vocal. and bodily activities. Forms of matter which are only capable: of transformation into karmic matter are received or attracted. by Soul,5 but all forms of Matter are not receivable to it...
1. Guņao gahanaguņe-Bhs., 2. 10. 118. 2. Sarvārthasiddhi, pp. 376-7. 3. Ibid., pp. 376-7 4. Sarîravāngmanaḥprāṇāpānāḥ pudgalānām -
TS., V. 19, p. 341. 5. Sakasāyatvājjīvaḥ karmaṇo yogyān pudgalānādatte
-TS., VIII. 2.
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